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Q1 Downtown Rental Market Update

Rental rates downtown have been steadily increasing over the past three years. Class A Apartment rent in Q1 of 2021 averaged $1.50/SF/Mo for a 1000 SF unit, and $1.95/SF/Mo for a 550 SF unit.  We've defined Class A as relatively new, amenitized, and close to the Central Business District.  For our analysis we've included Canalside,

By |2021-05-22T12:23:43-04:00May 22nd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Historic Tax Credit Basics

Historic Tax credits are incredibly complex instruments.  They can be used to make historic renovation projects feasible that otherwise would not make financial sense.  They can be coupled with other programs such as the opportunity zone program or enterprise zone programs.  This article will cover some of the basics and provide links to helpful resources.

By |2020-07-24T09:02:51-04:00July 24th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

State of Market Olde Town Neighborhood 2nd Quarter 2020

What’s happening in Olde Town Neighborhood?  Olde Town has experienced an explosion of popularity over the last year.   Loads of young professionals, families, and investors have turned their focus to this historic neighborhood. One factor impacting Olde Town is the recent relocation of Army Cyber to Fort Gordon, the development of the Georgia Cyber Center

By |2020-07-12T11:29:20-04:00July 6th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Overview and History of the Olde Town Neighborhood

The Olde Town Neighborhood is located in Downtown Augusta, between 5th Street and East Boundary, and from the River to the Cemeteries on Watkins Street.  Originally known as “pinch gut” the neighborhood was originally built in 1737 as the original neighborhood of Augusta.  Almost the entire neighborhood was burned in the great fire of 1916,

By |2020-07-12T11:24:34-04:00June 27th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |0 Comments